My Photography Journey

My love for photography started with a little 110mm film camera gift, at the age of 9. Friends, family, pets, surroundings, captured carefully with each precious roll of film. The passion for capturing moments, wonderful things my eye would find in the world around me, grew. I took every possible art and photography course throughout high school, worked as a yearbook photographer. I was accepted, interview process and portfolio review, to college for Graphic Design/Photography. The summer before starting college, 1996, I opened a boutique store with my partner, it took off, school was put on hold. It is in operation to this day, sold in 2020. Photography itself was still a constant. My children will joke that they believe my face is a lens. I continued to capture and create art, selling prints and art made from my photos, at art shows. Live music, events, special occasion, street, nature, a passion and keen eye for it all. At this stage in life it is my primary focus, back to my first true love.